Winterisation – What Is It?
Winterise your lawn. We have all heard it! But what is it? For me, in the main, it is a marketing technique used by the big manufacturers to get people to buy more fertiliser! If you look at some of the most popular brand in B&Q etc they all claim to winterise your lawn. But do they? Looking at the bag ingredients a lot of them are typical fertilisers that could just as easily be applied in April and would achieve the same results.
So away from the hype is there any benefit in \’Winterising your Lawn\’? The short answer is YES! As the weather turns colder, the grass plant growth slows right down as it prepares itself for winter. By applying the right mixture of nutrients we can assist the plant to help strengthen its root system; fortify its general health and keep the leaves greener for longer.
Still with me? Then find out more as to what goes in to AJS Lawn Care\’s Winterisation treatment
What\’s in It?
I mix all my own fertilisers so i know what goes in to each one. For the last treatment of the year, the Winteriser, I mix a low dose of Ammonium Sulphate (Nitrogen) together with a health dollop of Phosphorous and Potassium. Finally, I add a generous helping of Ferrous Sulphate (iron).
In November, the grass plant growth slows down so we don\’t want to be pushing leave (top) growth with high quantities of nitrogen. In fact the low dose of nitrogen in the mix only acts as a carrier for the potassium and phosphorous rather than a growth stimulus.
Phosphorous helps strengthen the root zone and allows the grass plant to uptake more of the elements it requires from the surrounding soil. As we all know, healthy roots lead to a stronger plant.
Winter is harsh and the grass plant can be susceptible to various diseases. Potassium strengthens the plant\’s cells making it stronger and by doing so helps protect the plant from disease.
Finally, the iron in the mix, helps the plant produce chloroform which is much needed in the winter months as sunlight is scarce. In turn this makes the plant greener through the winter months.
Iron, in sufficient quantities, has the additional benefit of dehydrating moss! This will blacken any moss it touches. This gives the added benefit of acting as a moss control
Winterisation – When to Apply?
The theory is to apply the fertiliser is when the temperature is above 10 degrees and before the first frost. This make early November the ideal time.
As the growth slows in November, the greening effect will last longer in the plant as it is not grown or cut out.
All in all, this treatment should give you a nice heathy, green lawn up ti Christmas!
Winterisation – Now You Know!
Thank you for persevering this long! I hope you enjoyed this read and found it interesting as to the why\’s and wherefores\’ of AJS Lawn Care applying lawn treatments in November.
If you have any questions or would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me as I always enjoy talking all things lawn!
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