Thinking of Returfing?

Talk to us first for a cheaper option with better results

Fed up of your current lawn? Thinking of Returfing this year?

Speak to us first! Our renovation program is not only a cheaper option but ultimately leads to better results!

Our popular renovation program consists of 2 visits.

During the first visit we:

  • Scarify. This removes moss and thatch from the lawn.  You will not believe the amount of thatch that is removed. This moss and thatch has been choking your lawn.
  • Apply a Moss Control treatment. This will dehydrate and blacken the remaining moss in the lawn
Visit 2 is a few days later.  We return to:
  •  Power rake the lawn. This removes the blackened moss.
  • Aerate. Relieves compaction
  • Prepare the seed bed
  • Over-seed with quality seed 
  • Top dress
  • Cover to protect from birds/weather etc

Keep your lawn in tip top condition throughout the year with our comprehensive Lawn Treatment programs.  We have a package to suit all budgets.